
Honor Roll

Wednesday Feb 6, 2019

South End Students Earn Boston College High School Honors

The following South Ender achieved Honors for the Second Quarter at Boston College High School:
Naod Zacharias, 2019 High Honors
Dylan Mullin, 2020 High Honors
Aldo Noury-Ello, 2021 Honors
John Mullin, 2022 High Honors
Lucas Rimmer, 2022 Honors

For High Honors an upperclassman needs a 3.8 QPA and all grades '"C+" or higher.
A Freshman needs a 3.6 QPA and all grades C+ or higher.

For Honors an upperclassman needs a 3.2 QPA and all grades '"C-" or higher. A Freshman needs a 3.16 QPA and all grades C- or higher.

Boston College High School is a Jesuit, Catholic, college-preparatory school for young men founded in 1863. The school enrolls approximately 1600 students from more than 100 communities in eastern Massachusetts.